
ESHAGUM SP are plastomeric waterproofing membranes for waterproofing concrete Bridge-Deck and underground structures.

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ESHAGUM SP are plastomeric waterproofing membranes for waterproofing concrete Bridge-Deck and underground structures.

ESHAGUM SP are produced with special types of bitumen and selected polymer materials based on polypropylene (APP). Its special composition offer longlasting impermeability, protection and endurance of Bridgedeck even at low temperatures.

ESHAGUM SP can be used for:

  • Waterproofing Bridge-Decks
  • Waterproofing Parking Decks
  • Bridge-Decks Waterproofing Repairs
  • Waterproofing Tunnels with Cut & Cover method
  • Waterproofing of underground structures / Foundations
  • Waterproofing of sewers, canals and supporting concrete element structures.
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